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0 2019-07-18

China Mobile to release 5G phones in H1, top executive says 5G手机要来啦!
China Mobile, the country's largest telecom carrier(电信运营商), is set to release its first batch(批次)of 5G mobile phones in the first half of the year, said Jian Qin, vice-president of the company at a convention yesterday, wallstreetcn.com reported.

The prices of 5G mobile phones are set to fall to around 1,000 to 2,000 yuan ($145-290)in 2020, added the vice-president at the ongoing seventh China Internet Audio & Video Convention held in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province.

According to Jian, China Mobile users can enjoy 5G networks by using current(当前的)SIM cards and phone numbers without re-registration(重复注册). 5G users will be billed(付款) by flow(流量), rate, bandwidth(带宽), time delay and functions, he added.

"4G changed our lives, and 5G will change the society," Jian said, adding that 5G is not simply 4G plus 1G, but will provide infrastructure(基础设施)support to deep integration(整合) of various industries.

China Mobile established its 5G joint innovation(创新)center in 2016 and built 22 open laboratories and five industry alliances to boost(促进、提高)innovation capability of the industry. The company launched (开展)China's first 5G Multimedia Innovation Alliance (5MII) in 2017, covering whole industrial chain links(产业链)of digital media such as content production, transfer, distribution, and consumption.

The innovation of personal applications in the 5G era remains another priority of the company, as China Mobile is establishing its 5G ultra(很,非常)high-definition(高清的)live stream, video, and game services to improve user experiences.

Wang Xiaochu, chairman of China Unicom, another main telecom operator of the country, announced the company will launch 5G trial networks in 40 Chinese cities at a conference in Shanghai on April 23.

China Unicom also invited 60 leading enterprises(企业)in setting up the China Unicom 5G Application Innovation Alliance.
Rival China Telecom, according to its 5G technical white paper released last year, will start 5G innovationtrialsin 17 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, according to media reports.

batch n. 批次
registration n. 注册
flow n. 流动(此处指流量)
bandwidth n. 带宽
Infrastructure n. 基础设施
integration n. 整合
enterprise n. 企业
innovation n. 创新
current adj. 当前的
high-definition adj. 高清的
boost v. 促进;提高
launch v. 开展
telecom carrier 电信运营商
bill v.要求付款,给……开账单
ultra adv.很,非常
industrial chain links 产业链
5G Multimedia Innovation Alliance 5G多媒体创新联盟

❶China Mobile, the country's largest telecom carrier, is set to release its first batch of 5G mobile phones in the first half of the year.
亮点词汇:batch 批次
难句解析:在此句中,主语为China Mobile,而the country's largest telecom carrier为同位语,用来对名词做进一步解释的。在英语表达中,同位语十分常见。例如:Wang Xiaochu, chairman of China Unicom, another main telecom operator of the country...(paragraph 7)中chairman of China Unicom, another main telecom operator of the country也是主语Wang Xiaochu 的同位语,指同一人。

❷The company launched China's first 5G Multimedia Innovation Alliance (5MII) in 2017, covering whole industrial chain links of digital media such as content production, transfer, distribution, and consumption.
亮点词汇:launch 开展;industrial chain links 产业链


What does the underlined word “trial” in the last paragraph mean in Chinese ?

【解析】trial n. 试验。 句意:据媒体报道,中国电信根据其去年发布的5G技术白皮书,将在北京、上海、广州和深圳等17个城市开展5G创新试验。
How many cities will be in 5G innovation trial?

Which of the following is true?
A.China Mobile users should give up the current SIM cards and phone numbers for 5G.
B.“4G change our society, but 5G change our life,” Jian said.
C.5G simply means 4G plus 1G.
D.There are sixty leading enterprises in setting up the China Unicom 5G Application Innovation Alliance.



Limit placed on number of visitors to Great Wall 长城游客限制令?



The number of daily visitors to the Badaling section of the Great Wall will be restricted and online ticket sales introduced to ease congestion(拥挤) at the world-famous site, tourism authorities said on Tuesday.

The 65,000 limit was set after research on the optimal(最佳的) capacity for the scenic spot in accordance with guidelines from the China National Tourism Administration.

The restrictions(限制)were put in place torelievepressure and safety concerns created by the large crowds at Badaling, located in Beijing's Yanqing district.

"When I visited the Badaling part of the Great Wall last summer I could barely(几乎不)move, there were too many people," said Rui Nate, a student from Peking University.

"I believe the policy of setting a daily quota(配额)may prevent extreme peaks in the number of visitors."

In 2018, the Badaling Great Wall received more than 9.9 million visitors, and there was an unbalanced distribution of visitors in the off season and peak season, especially during the
holidays. The number of visitors hit 80,000 a day during the National Day holidays in 2018, placing huge pressure on reception staff.

As part of a more fluid(流动的)ticketing system, admission tickets carrying the visitor's name will be available through an online booking system from June 1. It is similar to the "real-name" ticketing system used at the Palace Museum which encourages visitors to book in advance online.

Visitors, including individuals and group tours, will be able to purchase the admission ticket seven days in advance using a valid(有效的)ID or passport. Tickets will be restricted to one per identity document.

"This is not the first time that a scenic spot has adopted online ticketing, and it will reduce waiting time and provide a more comfortable experience for the visitors," said Song Rui, director of the Tourism Research Center at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Online ticket bookings are available on the official website, ticket.badaling.cn. Visitors can also follow the WeChat account of the Badaling Great Wall for more ticket information.

Local tourists can access the Great Wall with their ID cards. Foreign tourists can redeem(兑换) printed electronic tickets at the service window near the gate with the online reservation(预订) certificate(凭证)then enter the Great Wall with the printed ticket.

As a symbol of Chinese culture and a world cultural heritage(遗产)spot, Badaling is by far the most popular section of the ancient defensive(防御用的)barrier(屏障), attracting millions of tourists from home and abroad every year.

congestion n. 拥挤
heritage n. 遗产
barrier n.屏障
optimal adj.最佳的
valid adj.有效的
redeem v.兑换
defensive adj.防御用的
scenic spot 风景区
off season 淡季
peak season 旺季
by far 迄今为止
China National Tourism Administration 中国国家旅游局
restriction n.限制,规定
barely adv.几乎不
quota n.配额,定额
reception staff 接待人员
fluid adj.流动的
reservation n.预订
certificate n.凭证

❶He acted in accordance with his beliefs./Iam in accordance with him in this matter.
亮点词汇:in accordance with 与......一致

❷If you're going to come, please let me know in advance./She walked in advance of her husband./He is far in advance of his class.
亮点词汇:in advance 提前
拓展:in advance of 在......前面;优于......

❸The number of visitors hit 80,000 a day during the National Day holidays in 2018, placing huge pressure on reception staff.
亮点单词:hit 一般意为“击打”,此处意为“达到”。


What does the underlined word “relieve” mean in Chinese in this passage?

【解析】relieve v. 缓解。句意:这些限制措施是为了缓解北京延庆地区长城八达岭段大批游客所造成的压力和安全问题。
What does the underlined word “it” refer to?
A.Booking system.
B.Visitors’ names.
C.Admission tickets with names.
D.Real-name ticketing system.

【解析】根据第七段“As part of a more fluid ticketing system, admission tickets carrying the visitor's name will be available through an online booking system from June 1”可知选C。
How many visitors did the Badaling Great Wall receive?
A.More than 9,900,000.
B.Less than 9,900,000.
B.More than 99,000,000.
D.Less than 99,000,000.

【解析】根据第六段可知为more than 9.9million。million意为“百万”。
Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The 65,000 limit was the optimal capacity.
B.There was an unbalanced distribution of visitors in different seasons.
C.All tourists can access the Great Wall with their ID cards.
D.Visitors can purchase the admission ticket in advance.

【解析】根据倒数第二段“Local tourists can access the Great Wall with their ID cards.”可知选项C错误。


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